Here I will slightly open the curtain of my book, here I will be publishing small excerpts from interviews. You have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the opinions of those people who share their knowledge about what love is on the pages of my book.
Svetlana Tishkova is an octave psychologist, founder of the Human Center "Know Yourself," writer, and author of online psychology projects.
Svetlana Tishkova
What is love between a man and a woman?
It is a feeling of spiritual kinship, in which each person in the couple can do a lot for the whole space, for the earth, for humanity. It is a feeling that expands the possibilities of both men and women. When a man and a woman meet and fall in love, it immediately makes them people with super abilities, so to speak. This feeling is given so that two people can strengthen each other. Thanks to this feeling of love, everyone can discover what they are capable of. Without love, it is impossible to discover this. When a man and a woman meet and fall in love, their super potentials are unleashed, and they are capable of doing more than they could alone. Because love is not just a feeling for two people. Love is a feeling for the evolution of all living things.
Life Lover
Masha Zhila
Unconditional love. So much has been written about it! What is your opinion on unconditional love?
Many concepts are distorted by our common perception. It seems to me that love cannot be conditional, it simply exists. It permeates the entire Universe. We carry it in our Hearts. This is our basic state of truth. And it is given to us unconditionally. From birth. In relationships between men and women, we simply manifest it even more brightly, or we seek and reveal it in each other, until the relationships mature, through our interactions: conflicts with each other, events experienced together, realizations and insights about why we are given to go through all these events for the greater good, what else to build inside ourselves in order to come to the feeling of being a whole person, when there is no need to seek anything from the outside, when you simply live each moment beautifully with your partner, going through all stages of your inner growth and helping them do the same - in full acceptance! This is a very beautiful and very constructive process, even if your partner did not turn out to be the one with whom your Soul is comfortable growing together all the way from the first try!
Russian costume designer, artist, and curator. Winner of the Nika Film Award for Best Costume Design.
Nadejda Vasilieva
Knowledge keeper, channeller, information conduit.
Juliana Lightwarrior
Weaves words and destinies.
Anna Magirani
When I ask people what love is for them, many of them put their hand to their heart when talking about love. Why?
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Vitaly Zemtsov - a guide to the world of conscious relationships!
Vitaly Zemtsov
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